Ура! Наконец-то есть "русские письма"

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"My Dear,


With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising for you to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally.


However, I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$48.2M, which I seek your partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with 40% of the total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?


I am Ms. KIMAEVA LIOUDMILA, personal secretary to Mikhail Khodorkovsky the richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman CEO: YUKOS OIL (Russian Most Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO: Menatep SBP Bank (A well reputable financial institution with its branches all over the world) SOURCE OF FUNDS:

The documents of the above funds in question was handed over to me to be used in payment of an American oil merchant for his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Already the funds have been deposited with TRESURY SERVICES EUROPE, where the final crediting is expected to be carried out. While I was on the process, My Boss got arrested for his involvement in politics in financing the leading opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces, led by Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky) which poses treat to President Vladimir Putin second tenure as Russian president. You can catch more of the story on this


All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above quoted sum and I will arrange for the documentation which will enable TRESURY SERVICES EUROPE transfer the sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to American continent and never to be connected to any of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates. The transaction has to be concluded in 4 weeks As soon as I get your willingness to comply through my most private email address : Thank you very much Regards KIMAEVE LIOUDMILA"

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Было ж уже вроде...

Юкос, Кимаева эта.... год уже как шлют :D

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Я не видел. Сорри, ежели баян.

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Кстати, о начале топика (только сейчас заметил): мне Кимаева прдлагала только 10 процентов… а Хозяину 40… ;^)


А вот и свежачок подоспел – украинские письма :^)


Вкратце по-русски: киевско-харьковско-одесская компания по торговле на форэксе «из-за политических и экономических проблем в стране» начала торговать в США. Вот только беда: нет у неё счёта в американском банке, через который комиссионные от клиентов загре**ть. Поэтому вам прдлагается стать их прдставителем и качать денежки через ваш счёт за 9,75 процента. Прокачанная сумма обещается по 4 - 5 тысяч долларов в первые два месяца, а к концу года «слегка возрастёт» до 50 тысяч в месяц :^)


(Здесь, помнится, был спрятанный раздел для форэксиризировщиков — моежт, им подсказать идею?) :^)


Извините за длинный оригинал (скролл слева) :^)

Require your assistance...

From: Irina Kolesnikova <>

15.03.2006 03:06


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Irina Kolesnikova, the Head Manager of Foreign Exchange Trading Agency TOPBID Ltd.

We are registered and work in Ukraine. Our business nature is currancy trading on the financial markets(mostly on FOREX). We have 3 branches in Kiev,Kharkiv,Odessa, - Ukraine.


We have proved professional skills to our local customers as we were able to gain more than 42% profit on our investments during the year of 2004 and 37% profit during the first part of 2005.We work with the serious investors in Ukraine already and work as both: brokers and dealers on forex.Forex is an international financial market so it doesn't have borders or governmental controls.For the last 2 years we performed trading through our Ukrainian bank.But due to a political and economical problems in our country we decided to trade through a US forex provider.This sollution helped us to minimize taxes that are rather high and changeble in Ukraine nowadays,besides we protected client's funds and our own money from unpredictable loses.Moreover, we have found some interested businesses and individuals in the US who decided to make business with us and invested funds so we can trade on forex on their behalf.Unfortunately we have faced some difficulties while receiving the comissi

ons from our customers in the United States as we do not have a US bank account to accept wire transfers and can't accept cashiers checks and money orders as well.


At this time we are unable to open our own bank account in the US.


If you are looking to make additional profit we will accept you as our representative in your country. You will keep 9.75% of each deal we conduct. We plan to increase our customer's list dinamically.The total amount of comissions we receive weekly from our US customers will be 4000 - 5000 USD for the first 1-2 months which will be slightly increased up to 50000 USD per month by the end of this year. Your part is very important: accept funds and forward it to us. It is not a full time work but a very convenient and fast additional income. Being our agent may grow into future branch opening in your area if you are interested and the business will be on up and up. We are going to expand in Canada as well, place ads in papers and develop other means of advertisement.


Please respond ASAP and you will get additional details on how you can become our representative. Joining us and starting business today will cost you nothing, just some extra income for you.



Irina Kolesnikova,

Head Manager of Foreign Exchange Trading Agency TOPBID Ltd.


P.S. We have obtained your email address from

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QUOTE (StYlus. @ Mar 16 2006, 00:04) Извините за длинный оригинал (скролл слева) :^)


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QUOTE (StYlus. @ Mar 15 2006, 14:06) Слева — если изнутри смотреть :^)

Ты больше не кури.


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Народно-форумская примета.

Если Стилус ночью после работы зашел на форум, то утром можно почитать "Соол на разбидом Унтервуде а-ля Стилус".


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Сегодня развлекалась. По скайпу пришло предложение


[15:08:23] oleksandr_zavyalov говорит: Здравствуйте!

Наша фирма занимается бизнесом в сфере продаж мини РС (PALMs).

Нам нужны сотрудники для получения платежей от клиентов, с которыми мы работаем в Европе.

Ваш заработок от получения платежей состовляет 8% от суммы каждого перевода. Суммы 2 до 10 тыс. EURO.

С Вашей стороны требуется принять деньги на свой счет, обналичить их втечение 24 часов и послать по системе Western Union или Money Gram финансовому менеджеру, реквизиты которого я укажу, когда начнем работать.

При каждой проплате от клиента мы предоставляем INVOICE.

Работа на контрактной основе!


Хотят от агентов

Ot Vas neobhodimo vislat na Email:

1. Scan Copiu svoego passporta.

2. Adres prozhivaniya, kontaktniy telefon.

3. Polnie rekviziti bankovskogo scheta.

Мне было интересно так на чем же кидают, поэтому вела беседу. Данных о фирме естественно никаких нет. Собеседник представляется -

Country: Russia


City: Moscow


Adress: B. Akademicheskaya 20A




director: Alexsandr Zav`yalov

Очень вежливо ведет беседу, сильно не убалтывает, потом мне это надоело, просто прогуглила ALPARY Techno, одна из ссылок

Новое кидалово или уже известное?

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Новое кидалово или уже известное?


очень даже известное... Fraud transactions :)

Я в свое время с ними много общался..... развлечения ради )

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А вот совсем другое «русское письмо», не удержусь:

"Roderick Escobar" <>

04.12.2006 14:45

Subject: Давай уж встретимся


Привет! Я с сайт знакоств.

Давай уж встретимся.

Мои фотки в архиве тут: fotki.rar

«Давай уж встретимся» — слог-то каков, а? :^)


С «фоток» ссылка на :^)

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