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Пейте пиво тёмное - будет фантазия неуёмная!

Пейте пиво светлое - сбудется желание заветное!


Только не пейте пиво большИми глоткАми - "запляшет" пол под ногами!

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QUOTE (Bet @ Dec 3 2004, 21:25) Э-э... мы просто не знаем, что это такое. :) Ты нам по русски объясни.

"Узок их круг, страшно далеки они от народа" (с) про Декабристов, кажется было

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Я , например , тоже не знаю , просветите , плиз. :)

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QUOTE (Bet @ Dec 3 2004, 17:25) Э-э... мы просто не знаем, что это такое. :) Ты нам по русски объясни. А то может вот так вот живешь всю жизнь, а в конце узнаешь, что оказывается на рибейты жил. :D

Это, брат, такая штука...

Ну как объяснить?

Такая штука...

Ну вообщем жить можна :P

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Ежели примитивно-схематически, то примерно так:

- Я у Метки хочу купить комп, реальная цена вопроса, скажем 200 УЕ - на самом деле я ему плачУ 1000 УЕ (причин много разных), он кладёт в карман реальные 200, плюс ещё 100-200 (как договоримся), а остальные 600-700 аккуратненько возвращаются в мой карман B) Только, естесссно, налом (как правило).


Это только одна из старых простеньких, "топорно" выполненных, сейчас, конечно, уровень у людей растёт, фантазия проявляется :)

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Понятненько. Только это дла русского бизнеца нужно. Здесь как то пофиг. Всё с точностью до наоборот. :)

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Национальная русская забава: кто кого раньше на***т: мы государство, или оно - нас :)

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QUOTE (Jiri Jarosik @ Dec 3 2004, 20:24) ...мы государство, или оно - нас :)

Тем больше меньше нас оно! Ярошик, вы тоже в рибейторы заделались?:-)

А меня в криэйторы возьмете? Мне тоже откатов хочется! Вот например:

"Напитки от Метки не портят отметки!" (из рекламы в школьном буфете).

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QUOTE (ajdar @ Dec 3 2004, 23:02) Ярошик, вы тоже в рибейторы заделались?:-)

Я мастер этой игры B)

А криэйторы нам завсегда нужны, познакомим с этой технологией чешских товарищей? ;)

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По рибейтам у нас спец - Метка. Ему и флаг в руки.

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Спамчик в темку приполз:

Creativity Courses in New York





Since 1993, we are dedicated to teaching people about their creativity

and how to use it in all aspects of life, work, and creative expression.

In a non-competitive, nurturing atmosphere, these workshops help

participants develop creative skills, expanded sense perception,

innovative problem solving, inspired brainstorming, and new ways

of looking at life as exciting and transformative.


Here is our Fall and Spring schedule for New York City:



December 10 - 13, 2004

4 day intensive workshop

Friday through Monday

10 AM to 1:30 PM

Tuition Fee: $600


March 11-14, 2005

4 day intensive workshop

Friday through Monday

10 AM to 1:30 PM

Tuition Fee: $600


April 16-17, 2005

2 day weekend workshop

11:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Tuition Fee: $350


May 13-16, 2005

4 day intensive workshop

Friday through Monday

10 AM to 1:30 PM

Tuition Fee: $600


Go to our web site for links to special air and hotel packages to New

York City:  http://<skip>.com/newyorkpackages.html


Please remember that our workshops are very popular and have limited

availability. Make your reservation soon.



Whether you are a writer, a business person, a teacher, or an artist,

the Workshop can help you discover and nurture your particular way of

expression and break through the fears and blocks that inhibit

creativity. Working with thousands of individuals, businesses, and

institutions since 1993, the Creativity Workshop helps people believe

in and develop their imagination through using a unique series of

exercises in memoir, creative writing, visual arts, sense perception,

brainstorming, and storytelling. Our concentration is on the process of

creativity rather than the product. We emphasize the importance of play

and the sharing of ideas to nurture creative growth.


You can read more about the workshop below and also go directly to our

extensive informational site:





Karen Bell

Administrative Associate


New York, NY 10016

Tel Toll-Free: <skip>

also: <skip>


PS: If you are interested in reading more about the Workshop, we can

send you some very interesting magazine articles and interviews with

the directors, Shelley Berc and Alejandro Fogel which will give you

a deeper idea about the workshop's techniques, origins, and results.


What people say about the Creativity Workshop:


"The new millennium needs bold, creative men and women who can turn

their dreams into reality... Shelley Berc and Alejandro Fogel show

how you can do this through their challenging and inspiring creativity

workshops...even a simple first contact will prove what these two

talented teachers can do for your own gifts."

Dr. Kirpal Singh, Writer, Professor

Singapore Management University.


"I have attended at least 10 creative seminars and this creativity

workshop is far above the others in its inspiration, positive spirit and

techniques for nurturing creativity. The Creativity Workshop changed me

forever and moved me forward in my creative companies, but more

importantly in my personal determination, commitment and creativity in

my own projects. This workshop is important for anyone who wants to

better understand, develop their creativity in their

personal or business life."

Barbara Roberts, President and CEO

Acoustiguides, New York City


"Thank you for the great, great inspiration and fun of the Creativity

Workshop. It helped me get a whole screenplay done during a trip to

Mexico afterwards. It was great for me and my students. I don't think

I've ever seen them so happy."

Doris Doerrie, Filmmaker, Professor

Munich Film School, Germany


"Shelley and Alejandro created an atmosphere where everyone from student,

to business professional, to published novelist felt equally comfortable

creating and sharing stories, drawings, experiences. I've explored other

places and workshops that make me feel good while I'm there, that

provide activities that I know I really should make time for when I go

back to the real world. But this workshop is the first to provide

methods and exercises I not only want to use but feel compelled to use,

in fact have already used. I need to mention what I think was one of the

key ingredients of the workshop: the other attendees. I found them to be

amazing, inspiring, fascinating people."

Kelly Hevel, Planning Manager

Pfizer, Inc., New York City


"This is my third workshop coming up and I can't wait! Shelley and

Alejandro ever so gently are able to get us fellow travelers (and not

students) in to a discovery mode that emerges us deep into the

experience of our very own creativity. You are magicians who invite us

to return to the best of our childhoods. Once there we recapture those

golden days of play and dream and fantasy. I'm very happy to know and

experience the alchemy that you label a Creativity Workshop."

Carroll Blue, Professor

School of Communications, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA


"This class was THE MOST enriching, enlightening, inspirational class

I have ever taken. The way I work and what I create will never be the



University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA


"I cannot tell you how inspiring your workshop was on a number of

levels! I continue to draw inspiration from it!"

Deborah B. Reeve, Ed.D., Deputy Executive Director

National Association of Elementary School Principals, Washington, DC


"I thought long and hard before deciding to commit the time and money to

attend a 10-day Creativity Workshop in France, but it turned out to be

one of the best of my life. Every hour brought fresh

insights, ideas, and inspirations for both professional and personal

development. I'm still drawing from the stimulation that I

received and I expect to do so indefinitely. Will I return for another

Creativity Workshop in the future? Absolutely! I would recommend this

experience to anyone."

Laura Fasick, Professor

Minnesota State University, Moorhead, MN


I produced as much poetry in ten days in Crete as I did in a month in a

conventional poetry workshop in another European setting. The primary

difference was the ease of creation and the fun I experienced in the

Creativity Workshop, and I also saved time and money. Shelley and

Alejandro's emphasis 'In process' works. I also enjoyed the company of

my husband in this workshop; he isn't a poet and wouldn't normally

attend a poetry workshop. The multi-genre/arts approach has many

benefits to this end.

Sally Naylor, Poet and English Teacher

Baylor School, Chattanooga TN


"Because I write for a living, I had forgotten how to write for fun. I

learned how to get to that "fun" part of writing again at this workshop."

Amy White, VP Internal Corporate Communications

Cardinal Health, Worthington, OH


"I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoyed the workshop.

It was incredible. The exercises and your encouragement were wonderful.

But, more importantly, your sensitivity and perceptivity in regard to

others and the human condition is unbelievable. I wish I knew 10 more of


Neil H. Schwartz, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology

California State University, Chico


"Too often in the workplace, a fear of being judged, of "failure," or of

appearing "foolish" to others stifles our most creative thinking. The

Creativity Workshop showed me how to first examine, then overcome my

personal insecurities so that I am contributing with more freedom,

boldness and confidence than ever before."

Barbara Bazaldua, Director of Editorial

Disney Consumer Products, Anaheim, CA


"An exceptional choice of location, (Paris) + an intelligently conceived

program + a pair of talented teachers who

have a knack for being present when guidance is needed and absent when

it is not+ a diverse bunch of interesting people all bent to develop a

side of them that is all too often ignored = a successful and deeply

enriching common experience. This seasoned teacher left the workshop

with a sizable bag of useful ideas to motivate her students to write

more and better, a sketchbook full of essays for herself. I give this

course an A."

Nicole Fandel, Teacher of French

Concord Academy, Acton, MA


"The workshop helped me to determine the elements I needed to have in my

life for me to continue to be a successful creative thinker. As

principal of an elementary school I have been able to put together

enough of the workshop's material to teach my staff the skills of being

a more creative thinker and, in turn, they will teach the students.

Shelley and Alejandro are masters in their craft."

Lee Koran, Principal

St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary School, Alberta, Canada


Founded and directed by Shelley Berc and Alejandro Fogel in 1993, the

Creativity Workshop has been taught by them at educational, corporate,

cultural and governmental institutions throughout the world.


Corporate and Business


APJ Search Consultants - Acoustiguide Corporation - Artissimo - BBC -

Bayer AG - Berlitz International - Bouvier Kelly Inc. - Breathing Space

- Breslow Partners - Briggs & Stratton - Bristol-Myers Squibb - Cardinal

Health - Cerebellum - Chartercom - One Eleven Interactive

Inc. - Children's Hospital Los Angeles - Colgate-Palmolive - Cornerstone

Research - Cross Country Travcorps - EDS - ETH Zurich - Ecoute Ton Corps

Inc - Equinox Interactive - GPC Consultores SC - Garnet Hill - Global

Insight - Go2net - HBO - Heller Ehrman - IKEA - I-traffic -

Johnson&Johnson - JET Programme - JPMorgan Chase - Johnson & Johnson -

KFAssociates - L'actualite - L'Arche Belfast - LPK -

- M. Heale CPA - M.S.391 - Mukora - Negotiation Mastery Inc. - One

Eleven Interactive Inc. - Oracle Corporation - Panorama - Pfizer -

Procter & Gamble - Providence Center for Women & Enterprise - Schultz

Consulting - Scott & White Memorial Hospital -

- Sprint PCS - The Walt Disney Company - The Connection for Women and

Families - The Nature Conservancy - The Resource Exchange - The4

[creative network] - Welch Design Group - Zimmerman Financial Group, RIA


Education and Arts Institutions


Academy of Drama and Film. Milan, Italy - Adelphi University - American

Creativity Academy, Kuwait - American International School of Budapest -

Antwerp International School, Antwerp, The Netherlands - Art School of

the Aegean. Samos, Greece - Arts-in-Action - Atlanta International

School - Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Australian National Playwright

Conference. Canberra, Australia - Australian National University.

Canberra, Australia - Barnard College - Baruch College - Baylor School -

Bennington College - Bloomsburg University  - Brentwood School - Brick

Church School - Brown University - CUNY/NYC Department of Education -

California State University Chico - Canadian Academy - Centennial School

District - Chimacun Elementary School - Chula Vista Elementary School -

Cincinnati Public School - Columbia University - Concord Academy -

Creighton University - DePaul University - Diablo Valley College - East

Carolina University - Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus - Eckerd

College - Exeter Academy - Flanagan High School - Florida International

University - George Washington University - Hong Kong International

School - Hungarian Ethnic Artists Festival. Kisvarda, Hungary - IB World

School Canadian Academy - ISIS Centre for Women's Action on Eating

Issues Inc. Perth, Australia - Indiana University - International School

Bangkok - International School of Beijing-Shunyi - International School

of Prague - International Schools Services - Johns Hopkins University -

LaGuardia Community College - Lancaster Country Day School - Langara

College - Library of Congress - Macquarie University - Mamaroneck UFSD -

Manhattanville College - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Media

Communications Association - Mercersburg Academy - Minnesota State

University Moorehead - Munich Television and Film School. Munich,

Germany - NJ Orange School District - NSW Writers Workshop. Sydney,

Australia. - National Association of Elementary School Principals -

National Institute of Education at Singapore University - Nebraska

Wesleyan University - Nerengi Institute. Istanbul, Turkey - New York

University - Northern Michigan University - Open Society Institute.

Budapest, Hungary - Oxnard Elementary School Districe - Pennsylvania

State University - Pepperdine University - Performance Studies

Department / University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia -

Poly Prep CDS - Portland Stage Company.

Portland, Maine - Prague Summer Writers Workshop. Prague, Czech Republic

- Princeton Day School - Rollins College - Rose Community

Foundation/Impulse Theater - Saint Cloud State University - Saint Louis

Priory School - San Diego State University - Sarah Lawrence College -

Scuola Drammatica San Remo. San Remo, Italy - Scuola Sagarana. Lucca,

Italy - Sidwell Friends School - Skidmore College - Southampton College

- Spoleto Arts Symposia. Spoleto, Italy - Srishti School of Art Design &

Technology. Bangalore, India - St. John's International School - St.

Patrick Fine Arts Elementary School - The American International School

of Budapest - The American School in London - The American School of

Asuncion - The American School of Warsaw - The Anglo-American School of

Moscow - The Art Alliance - The Chinese University of Hong Kong - The

Fessenden School - The Hamlin School - The Overlake School - The

University of Prince Edward Island - The University of Vermont - The

University of Western Australia - The University of Wisconsin Madison -

Thomasville City Schools - Unionville-Chadds Ford School District -

United Nations International School - United World College. Trieste,

Italy - University of California Berkeley - University of Iowa -

University of Michigan - University of Missouri-Columbia - University of

Nebraska Lincoln - University of South Dakota - University of Southern

California - University of Victoria - Utrecht University - Washington

International School - Wheaton Academy - Wheaton College - White

Communications - Writing Beyond the Walls. Lucca, Italy - Yldiz

University. Istanbul, Turkey




US State Department, Washington, D.C., USA - US Embassy. Tel Aviv,

Israel. - US Embassy. Rome, Italy. - US Consulate. Milan, Italy. - US

Embassy. Istanbul, Turkey. - US Embassy. Canberra, Australia. - US

Embassy. Budapest, Hungary. - US Embassy. Singapore.


The teachers


Shelley Berc is a writer and teacher. She was a professor of the

International Writing Program at the University of Iowa from 1985-2000.

Her novels, plays, and essays which include 'The Shape of Wilderness',

'A Girl's Guide to the Divine Comedy' and 'Theatre of the Mind' have

been published by Coffee House Press, Johns Hopkins Press, Heinemann

Books, Performing Arts Journal and Theatre Communications Group Press.

Her plays have been produced by theatres such as the American Repertory

Theatre, the Yale Rep, and the Edinburgh Festival.


Alejandro Fogel is a visual artist and teacher working in painting, site

installations, video and digital art. He has exhibited his works in

galleries and museums in Argentina, Bulgaria, Cuba, France, Hungary,

Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United States and Germany. His

ongoing project 'Root to Route' chronicles his father's journey through

the Holocaust years. His work is in private collections and museums

around the world.


Berc and Fogel explain in theory and demonstrate in practice the

concepts of originality, 'appropriation', memory and imagination. Under

their guidance, participants explore their own creative processes

through different writing and drawing exercises. They emphasize the

intimate link between personal and public spheres, individual and social

practices, history and myth, dream and reality. The focus of the

workshop is on process not product and to help participants find

life-long tools of creative expression.




To cancel these communications, please send an email to:

contact@<skip>.com with "Cancel" in the subject.


Please mail all inquiries to:

Karen Bell

Administrative Associate


New York, NY 10016

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QUOTE (Strannik @ Dec 3 2004, 18:16) Понятненько. Только это дла русского бизнеца нужно. Здесь как то пофиг. Всё с точностью до наоборот. :)


Безотносительно к креэйторским(маркетиноговым) ребейтам:


Как рас эту тему выдумали американцы (слово-то ихнее) и весьма используют её.

Думаю, что и в Чехии средний и большой бизнес работают так же, и никакие антимонопольные комитеты не в состоянии это проконтроллировать.

Как вы думаете, почему в супермаркете рядом с домом выставлен товар от одного производителя, и нет другого? Только не говорите "цена-качество".... По этому параметру мы бы уже давно всё покупали на китайских рынках B)

Как шутят америкосы: маникуре!

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QUOTE (Holmes @ Dec 3 2004, 13:01) Есть тут еще креативщиков? Присоединяйтесь, господа!

От пива ссышь крива............. B)

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QUOTE (Metka @ Dec 4 2004, 05:37)

Как вы думаете, почему в супермаркете рядом с домом выставлен товар от одного производителя, и нет другого?

Насколько я помню , это лоббирование интересов , а не рибейт.

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