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Товарисч взглянул на свой ноут изнутри и нашел там шпиёна... (Keylogger)

Присоединяясь к его недоумению я не понимаю, что заставило его туда поместить.

Паранойя какая-то.

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Кот, ты проснулся!

Эта фича обсуждалась сто лет назад на форумах (не могу фспомнить, где именно),

народ пришёл к выводу, что у парня паранойя и мания преследования.


Posted Jun 16, 2005, 10:57 PM ET by Steven Boger

HOAX. Pictures stolen from here, even used the same filenames:



Posted Jun 17, 2005, 8:41 AM ET by John

This story is so fake – a hoax. Here are a couple of reasons why:


1. The image of the document is addressed to, "The Honorable Louise Slaughter" (Democrat Congresswoman from NY)


2. Document references file number File Number: 20050112 - 20050119, which refers, white house briefs regarding the possible leaked identity to a reporter(s) of an undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame.

This site references the file #s of the document:

See Louise Slaughter site for press release regarding File Number: 20050112 – 20050119:…


3. The blurred image of the address looks identical to the original doc (scroll down to see the image):…


4. As far as I know responses from the Department of Homeland Security do not indent their paragraphs, inconsistent font types and use of a wrong acronym (Ex wrong: FOIA right: FOI/PA).

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