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Ща каааак двинет! :)

У Медведева со страха аж фужер запотел...и из него какой-то дядька пьет :crazy:

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Это Шварцнеггер усох или Медведьев на тумбочке стоит? У них разница в росте гораздо больше должна быть.

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Да и смотрит Шварц вроде чуть повыше :)

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Медведев наверно на каблуках ходит как Саркози. Хотя поскольку у них с Арнольдом 24 сантиметра разницы он должен быть на шпильках.

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Думаю что рост Медведева из интернета - 162 - булшит. Обама выше Арнольда, а разница с Медведевым примерно как у Арнольда и уж никак не 25 см.


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Это перепечатка (Stylus., поищите?). Да и как они могли измерить?

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Посик на сайте FT по 'medvedev 5ft' находит статью об этом, но ссылка на неё не открывается: The page you have requested is unfortunately not available.


# April 23, 2008

Power highs

At 5ft 7in tall, Vladimir Putin (no high heels) is taller...Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy, both standing at 5ft 5in-plus (with heels). Both can look down on Dmitry Medvedev, a mere 5ft 3in, but are still taller than Napoleon at 5ft... By Sue Cameron


Этот же абзац почему-то прицеплен в конце и к статье того же (той же) автора от предыдущего дня и на совершенно другую тему:


Power highs


At 5ft 7in tall, Vladimir Putin (no high heels) is taller than Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy, both standing at 5ft 5in-plus (with heels). Both can look down on Dmitry Medvedev, a mere 5ft 3in, but are still taller than Napoleon at 5ft 2in (depending on who measured him).


Вскоре о похожем написала и Guardian:


Who is the shortest world leader?


* Jon Henley

* The Guardian, Tuesday 4 March 2008


Until yesterday there was little argument about the holder of this coveted title: at 162cm, or a shade over 5ft 3in, Kim Jong-il, supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and Great Leader of the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea, stood head and shoulders below the rest of the field. The only other man in with a shout, according to the list at, was Nicolas Sarkozy, president of France, who stands 168cm, or just over 5ft 5in tall. This may make him about 4in shorter than Mrs Sarkozy, but is unlikely to give Kim many sleepless nights.


The election of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev as president of Russia, however, has upset things. For, contrary to the impression given by a campaign poster that shows him standing shoulder-to-shoulder with his mentor Vladimir Putin, Medvedev also measures 162cm from top to toe - a figure that puts him very much in contention. (For the record, Putin is fully 8cm taller; Medvedev's minders make sure he is photographed from a low angle, and advise him to take a step forward when he's in a group.)


More precise measurements are plainly required to settle the matter. But historically, all three are giants. The shortest world leader on record was Benito Juarez, five times president of Mexico between 1867 and 1872, at 4ft 6in. Engelbert Dollfuss, Austrian chancellor from 1932-34, stood 4ft 11in in his socks. David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of Israel, was 5ft, as was Deng Xiaoping, de facto leader of China throughout the 1980s. Yasser Arafat was 5ft 2in, Nikita Kruschev 5ft 3in, and Haile Selassie 5ft 4in. But before you go constructing any theories, some historians now argue that Napoleon Bonaparte, the original pint-sized despot, was not 5ft 2in but 5ft 6in. So size may not mean anything after all.


Многие другие англоязычные публикации, которые удосуживаются дать ссылку на свой источник, ссылаются как раз на эту статью в Guardian. При этом, очевидно, основной считают цифру 162 см и пересчитывают её в футы-дюймы с разной точностью и несколько по-разному: 5ft 3in, 5'4", 5' 3.75".


Другие языки я не смотрел.

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Медведев наверно на каблуках ходит

:crazy: Тепреь точно на каблуках ходит.



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