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Topic in #os: hey guyz, stop pickin on irix.

<SCO> w00t! i bought unix! im gonna b so rich!
<novell> /msg atnt haha. idiot.
<novell> whoops. was that out loud?
<atnt> rotfl
<ibm> lol
<SCO> why r u laffin at me?
<novell> dude, unix is so 10 years ago. linux is in now.
<SCO> wtf?
<SCO> hey guyz, i bought caldera, I have linux now.
<red_hat> haha, your linux sucks.
<novell> lol
<atnt> lol
<ibm> lol
<SCO> no wayz, i will sell more linux than u!
<ibm> your linux sucks, you should look at SuSE
<SuSE> Ja. Wir bilden gutes Linux f?r IBM.
<SCO> can we do linux with you?
<SuSE> Ich bin nicht sicher...
<ibm> *cough*
<SuSE> Gut lassen Sie uns vereinigen.
* SuSE is now SuSE[uL]
* SCO is now caldera[uL]
<turbolinux> can we play?
<conectiva> we're bored... we'll go too.
<ibm> sure!
* turbolinux is now turbolinux[uL]
* conectiva is now conectiva[uL]
<ibm> redhat: you should join!
<SuSE[uL]> Ja! Wir sind vereinigtes Linux. Widerstand ist vergeblich.
<red_hat> haha. no.
<red_hat> lamers.
<ibm> what about you debian?
<debian> we'll discuss it and let you know in 5 years.
<caldera[uL]> no one wants my linux!
<turbolinux[uL]> i got owned.
<caldera[uL]> u all tricked me. linux is lame.
* caldera[uL] is now known as SCO
<SCO> i'm going back to unix.
<SGI> yeah! want to do unix with me?
<SCO> haha. no. lamer.
<novell> lol
<ibm> snap!
<SGI> :~(
<SCO> hey, u shut up. im gonna sue u ibm.
<ibm> wtf?
<SCO> yea, you stole all the good stuff from unix.
<red_hat> lol
<SuSE[uL]> heraus laut lachen
<ibm> lol
<SCO> shutup. i'm gonna email all your friends and tell them you suck.
<ibm> go ahead. baby.
<SCO> andandand... i revoke your unix! how do you like that?
<ibm> oh no, you didn't. AIX is forever.
<novell> actually, we still own unix, you can't do that.
<SCO> wtf? we bought it from u.
<novell> whoops. our bad.
<SCO> i own u. haha
<SCO> ibm: give me all your AIX now!
<ibm> whatever. lamer.
* ibm sets mode +b SCO!*@*
* SCO has been kicked from #os (own this.)



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Кстати, сегодня пришло на это-же тему. Новый вариант нигерийских писем:


Dear Sir/Madam:


I am Mr. Darl McBride currently serving as the president and chief executive
officer of the SCO Group, formerly known as Caldera Systems International, in
Lindon, Utah, United States of America. I know this letter might surprise you
because we have had no previous communications or business dealings before now.


My associates have recently made claim to computer softwares worth an estimated
$1 billion U.S. dollars. I am writing to you in confidence because we urgently
require your assistance to obtain these funds.


In the early 1970s the American Telephone and Telegraph corporation developed
at great expense the computer operating system software known as UNIX.
Unfortunately the laws of my country prohibited them from selling these
softwares and so their valuable source codes remained privately held. Under a
special arrangement some programmers from the California University of Berkeley
did add more codes to this operating system, increasing its value, but not in
any way to dilute or disparage our full and rightful ownership of these codes,
despite any agreement between American Telephone and Telegraph and the
California University of Berkeley, which agreement we deny and disavow.


In the year 1984 a change of regime in my country allowed the American
Telephone and Telegraph corporation to make profits from these softwares. In
the year 1990 ownership of these softwares was transferred to the corporation
UNIX System Laboratories. In the year 1993 this corporation was sold to the
corporation Novell. In the year 1994 some employees of Novell formed the
corporation Caldera Systems International, which began to distribute an upstart
operating system known as Linux. In the year 1995 Novell sold the UNIX software
codes to SCO. In the year 2001 occurred a separation of SCO, and the SCO brand
name and UNIX codes were acquired by the Caldera Systems International, and in
the following year the Caldera Systems International was renamed SCO Group, of
which i currently serve as chief executive officer.

My associates and I of the SCO Group are therefore the full and rightful owners
of the operating system softwares known as UNIX. Our engineers have discovered
that no fewer than seventy (70) lines of our valuable and proprietary source
codes have appeared in the upstart operating system Linux. As you can plainly
see, this gives us a claim on the millions of lines of valuable software codes
which comprise this Linux and which has been sold at great profit to very many
business enterprises. Our legal experts have advised us that our contribution
to these codes is worth an estimated one (1) billion U.S. dollars.

Unfortunately we are having difficulty extracting our funds from these computer
softwares. To this effect i have been given the mandate by my colleagues to
contact you and ask for your assistance. We are prepared to sell you a share in
this enterprise, which will soon be very profitable, that will grant you the
rights to use these valuable softwares in your business enterprise.
Unfortunately we are not able at this time to set a price on these rights.
Therefore it is our respectful suggestion, that you may be immediately a party
to this enterprise, before others accept these lucrative terms, that you send
us the number of a banking account where we can withdraw funds of a suitable
amount to guarantee your participation in this enterprise. As an alternative
you may send us the number and expiration date of your major credit card, or
you may send to us a signed check from your banking account payable to "SCO
Group" and with the amount left blank for us to conveniently supply.


Kindly treat this request as very important and strictly confidential. I
honestly assure you that this transaction is 100% legal and risk-free.


Signed, GNAA president

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Дааа. Было бы интересно как-нибудь этот лог продолжить в свете покупки Novell'ом SuSE и отказа Red-Hat от производства настольной версии (или как там это называют, то что не сервер).

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QUOTE (graycrow @ Nov 7 2003, 17:12) Дааа. Было бы интересно как-нибудь этот лог продолжить в свете покупки Novell'ом SuSE и отказа Red-Hat от производства настольной версии (или как там это называют, то что не сервер).
Что с Новелл сделает CуCЕ, вряд ли наверное кто-то скажет. А насчет Красной шапки, я так понял, что они оставили идею заработать на десктопных дистрах, которых пруд-пруди, и переместить акцент в сторону Enterprise версии. Причем, чтобы халявщики от десктопов не забыты. Fedora 1.0 является несколько улучшенной версией посленего RH9.0 и будет развиваться все теми же RH, как продукт для десктопов и полигон для обкатки корпоративных решений.


ЗЫЖ запиарили линукс.... манагеры.... :angry:
Во что все выльется -- поживем, увидим.

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а пенизы откуда для производства новых версий?


еще недавно Linux был у единиц, сейчас у каждого второго.
рынок сформировался.
А цены на AIX'ы как были запредельными. так и остались...

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